07 Apr, Sun
Mobile tickets: Less hassle, no printing
Event ended

Iftar Buffet at Ibis Seef, Manama

Indulge in our exclusive Iftar delights, featuring daily signature dishes!
07 Apr, Sun
Ibis Seef Manama
Mobile tickets: Less hassle, no printing
Event ended

Enjoy a delightful Iftar experience at Seef Restaurant, Ibis Seef Manama! Savor a delicious spread featuring an array of tempting dishes to break your fast. Our warm and inviting ambiance offers a comfortable setting, perfect for creating cherished memories with family and friends.


Don't miss our daily Iftar specials! Indulge in our signature Mansaf lamb and the ever-popular Fetteh Ghazawiyeh.


Reserve your table today by calling +973 66644188 / +97317386020. We look forward to welcoming you!


Ibis Seef Manama
Ibis Seef Manama
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Ibis Seef Manama

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