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Al Gamra By Chills Bahrain

At Al Gamra by CHILL Bahrain The winter in Bahrain will be warmer, carrying the fresh land breezes that carry with them the smell of wood and fire, opening the doors to moments when beauty does not get cold.  

In Al Gamra by CHILL Bahrain The most beautiful moments that will take you to a world of amazement, diversity and enjoyment, as we work to provide a qualitative and enjoyable tourist and entertainment experience, in order to achieve our sole goal of making your tourist experience on land more beautiful.  

The place contains several diverse sections, the most important of which are:

CHILL Bahrain Café, famous for its specialty coffee, luxurious winter sessions to spend the most beautiful winter nights, Al Gamra Theater, marketing booths, and many accompanying events.
- Reservation will be available through the Platinum List application and website and the registration office at the gate    

- Payments within the event will only be accepted by credit card or BenefitPay (cash is not accepted)      

- The event includes traditional heating areas, so please be careful and adhere to safety requirements    

- Children under 5 years old are allowed to enter for free


Al Gamra Chill Bahrain
XGJW+7P Zallaq, Bahrain
View directions
Al Gamra Chill Bahrain

Al Gamra By Chills Bahrain Ticket prices

General Entry
from 2 BHD
from 15 BHD
from 20 BHD
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