Price from:
7.15 BHD

Timing and Shedule

Open hours

Daily 4PM - 12AM
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Adhari Adventure Park Karting

Timing and Shedule

Open hours

Daily 4PM - 12AM
Adhari Adventure Park Karting in Bahrain offers an exciting go-karting experience for thrill-seekers of all ages. Located within the vibrant Adhari Park, the karting track features high-speed straights, challenging curves, and professional-grade karts for a safe yet exhilarating ride. Whether you're a seasoned racer or a beginner, it's the perfect destination for fun, competition, and unforgettable memories.
  • All visitors must adhere to the park's policies and regulations.
  • This offer is not valid on holidays such as Eid and special events.
  • The park is open from 4 P.M. until 12 A.M.
  • Tickets are non-refundable


Adhari Park
Building 111, Manama, Bahrain
View directions
Adhari Park

Adhari Adventure Park Karting Ticket prices

Entry For 1
from 7.15 BHD
Entry for 2
from 11.55 BHD
Entry for 3
from 18.15 BHD
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Secure Checkout
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Instant confirmation
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Official Ticket Seller
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