The British Club Bahrain

The British Club Bahrain

Upcoming Events
Pint Sized Plays in Bahrain
6.50 BHD
15 May–17 May

STEP RIGHT UP! and prepare to indulge in an evening of pure theatrical delight sponsored by NHSC with "Pint-Sized Plays"! Brace yourself for an electrifying showcase of live short-format theatre, where every scene ignites with passion and comedy. Set in a cozy café-style atmosphere, tantalize your taste buds with delectable food served before the show. Featuring a dynamic cast and an ingenious use of minimal set, props, and tech, get ready for an unforgettable theatrical experience. Join us at the British Club and the Dilmun Club for a night of enchantment and entertainment like no other!

The British Club Bahrain
The British Club Bahrain, Rd No 3748, Manama, Bahrain
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The British Club Bahrain
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